Programs for Formal and Informal Educators


 Take it Outside!
And Let Science and History Come Alive


Let us work with you to plan a program that meets your needs and enhances your curriculum, and most of all, provides a memorable experience for your students.  Nearly all programs are available at both education centers (Mt. Baldy Visitor Center and San Gabriel Canyon Education Center), allowing you the freedom to choose the site nearest you.  Both offer restrooms and lunch areas for large groups.


If we want children to flourish, to become truly empowered, let us allow them to love the earth before we ask them to save it.  (David Sobel)


Each program often includes three activity centers and a live animal demonstration.  Cost is $10/students; no charge to teachers and parents.  Payment is due on the day of your trip, unless prior arrangements have been made.

Spring dates fill up early in the school year.







San Gabriel Bioblitz





Everyone knows what an adult ladybug looks like.  What about a baby ladybug?








This is not a larva.  It is a pupa, the stage between larva and adult.  There are over 6,000 species worldwide.  Biologists call “ladybugs” ladybird beetles.  These little beetles love to much on aphids and scale insects, so can be very beneficial to a garden.  Look for swarms of them overwintering in south-facing canyons of the San Gabriel Mts. on fall hikes.




Program Flyers and Teacher Prep Materials

2024-25 Schools Brochure

Mt. Baldy Tips for Teachers

San Gabriel Canyon Tips for Teachers


If you would like more information about our programs, or to schedule a date, email Marian Coensgen at



Program Requests





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