Through a participating agreement with the U.S. Forest Service, the San Gabriel Mountains Heritage Association offers programs to schools, scouts, and community groups at two locations in the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument.
Mt. Baldy Visitor Center
Located in scenic Mt. Baldy Village, the Visitor Center lies 8 miles north of Claremont on Mt. Baldy Road. This award-winning interpretive center is an historic 1920’s schoolhouse which has been renovated to include an indoor nature trail, local history room, and gift shop. On site are the Mt. Baldy Environmental Education classroom, a native animal room, reproductions of a gold-mining camp and Native-American (Gabrielino-Tongva) village. A Forest Service facility, the Visitor Center is open to the public Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. For more information about school field trips call (323) 646-6660. (Special note – we are often out of the office with school groups. Please leave us a message).
San Gabriel Canyon Education Center
The San Gabriel Canyon Education Center is in San Gabriel Canyon, 12 miles north of Azusa on Highway 39 (Azusa Boulevard). Along with an environmental education classroom, reproductions of an historic gold camp and Native American food preparation area, a nature trail are also on site. Not open to the general public, the Forest Service facility is used for educational programs and special events.
San Gabriel Bioblitz

honeybee on rosemary

spider in sunflower
Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns, so that each small piece of fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry. (Richard Feynman)

bumblebee on lupine